On Feb 21, 2010, at 4:14 AM, Mike Marchywka wrote:

The reason I ask is because I thought there were some concerns about leaks
( probably just stuff I saw skimming various google hits ) and I have
seen firefox and iceweasel light up my disk on very simple things ( like
typing stuff into forms). As I started looking through the code,
one of the first things I saw was something that looked like a hash table of previously used pages- are there static "junk bins" of strong references and stuff like that that could create memory leaks as they accumulate stuff
and never get cleaned or pruned?

We try to fix leaks when we find out about them. I suspect there are some in the code now.

I don't know what you mean about "junk bins". Content from previously used pages would be in either the resource memory cache or the page cache, both of which are capped in size.

Help diagnosing and fixing leaks (and "pseudo-leaks" from ever-growing referenced data structures) is always welcome.


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