I'm new to WebKit, so apologies in advance for my ignorance.

There is a chromium bug that we don't update the spelling markers when spell
checking is toggled or the language is changed (http://crbug.com/21225).

I have a fix ready for this which simply re-checks the field upon toggle.
But this step could either be done in the WebCore Editor or just in the
chromium port. So I have two questions:

1. Is this port specific? Safari's spell check toggle menu item says "Check
document while typing", but Chrome's says "Check spelling in this field".
This makes me think that Chrome users expect the markers to be refreshed,
but Safari users may not.

2. Where is the best place to add a test for my fix? It doesn't seem to be
possible to test this through a LayoutTest. If the answer to #1 is that this
is port-specific behavior, then I can add a chromium/tests. If this is not
port-specific, then any advise on how to test would be appreciated.

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