On Apr 4, 2010, at 8:12 AM, Adam Barth wrote:

On Sat, Apr 3, 2010 at 11:30 PM, Darin Adler <da...@apple.com> wrote:
On Apr 3, 2010, at 10:36 AM, Adam Barth wrote:
Keeping the tree green will require a cultural shift in the project, but I think the near term costs of changing the culture are outweighed by the long term gains in productivity.

Typically a cultural shift would come after some sort of group discussion, rather than being announced on the mailing list as a fait accompli.

We've been discussing this on the mailing list for a while.

To comment on the below: I think sheriffbot partly fulfills my request for better notification (there's still no email notification) but not my request to have a human being in charge of maintaining greenness for each port. I will see if I can recruit somebody to be the (human) sheriff for Apple's ports.

That being said, I think Darin's objection was not to the sheriffbot tool, but rather to declaring that based on it we now need to have a culture shift. I think that may have just been a case of infelicitous word choice. A better way to frame it would have been: "We now have this additional tool. Let's figure out how to make good use of it. Here are some ideas for how we could do that."


* https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2010-February/011562.html
This email in particular, in which Maciej asks someone to build a bot
that does precisely what sheriffbot does:
I'd actually like to see it email a mailing list, in addition to the
individuals it guesses are to blame. That could be either webkit-dev
or a new list. Maybe some won't want the spam but I bet a lot of
people would like to find out about every build break. If it's at all
possible, it would be great to email all of the patch author, the
reviewer and the committer (if different from the patch author).

I also think it would be neat if we could have a bot that alerts about
build breaks on IRC in #webkit.

And finally, it might be good to have extra notice if a build remains
broken for some time (every 24 hours maybe?)

* https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2010-February/011792.html
In which Maciej again asks that we have a sheriff (although I think he
had a human rather than a machine in mind):
What I'd prefer to see is that the sheriff
the person primarily responsible for reverting broken patches if not
fixed in a timely manner. Then we could have some human judgment in
the process and specific people with clear responsibility.

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