On Fri, Apr 9, 2010 at 2:52 AM, Darin Adler <da...@apple.com> wrote:
> As I understand it, the goal is to have a C API that is suitable and works 
> well cross platform for all the many platform independent operations; it is 
> indeed analogous the one for JavaScriptCore in that respect.
> When you refer to a “selling point” of WebKit ports, I assume you are 
> referring to how those ports integrate with the surrounding OS and 
> frameworks. For example, the Mac OS X port provides an Objective-C API that 
> fits in well with the rest of Cocoa. The goal would be that such API can be 
> cleanly built on top of the C-based API and should offer a simple way to 
> “drop down” to the platform independent C one and vice versa.

I see, so the answer is "both, kinda". Interesting. Having a stable
API for embedders to use to build their native APIs on top would
certainly ease the lives of port maintainers, and using those stable
APIs in the situations where it makes sense to use them can certainly
be a good idea. Interesting choices for all of us ahead :)


>    -- Darin
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