On Apr 18, 2010, at 12:33 PM, Chris Jerdonek wrote:

I wanted to add a couple comments and a question to this discussion.

On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 2:54 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com> wrote:

I haven't contributed to WebKit's Python code yet, but I will say that I agree with Eric's sentiments here. 80-column limit is archaic and pointless.
No one is developing WebKit on a vt220.

Note that there are contexts where the limit does come into play that the user might not have as much control over, for example pasting into the body
of an e-mail or into the comment box in bugs.webkit.org.

That reminds me, we should turn off the 80-column limit on bugs.webkit.org - there's no need for it to hard-wrap your text. That being said, we've lived for years with the fact that C++ code may get wrapped badly in these contexts and it hasn't really been an issue.

Take a look at these two comments for example (which, incidentally, are
about crash logs rather than code):


So non-Python developers know, one argument for treating Python differently (aside from PEP8) is that the language supports a syntax for continuing lines to the next line that other languages don't (implied line continuation).

Finally, just to clarify, which parts of PEP8 are we discussing ignoring? PEP8 has more specific guidelines for docstrings and how they should be formatted. For instance, it also contains this guideline in addition to the blanket 79-character limit: "For flowing long blocks of text (docstrings
or comments), limiting the length to 72 characters is recommended."

I'm happy to let the people who hack on Python most decide whether a column limit is appropriate and if so which ones.


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