On May 7, 2010, at 9:10 PM, Eric Seidel wrote:

2.  Additionally, Tiger seems mostly ignored by WebKit (note examples
like https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38743).  No one develops
on Tiger to my knowledge (note mjs last night in #webkit noting how he
had no access to a Tiger machine, I certainly don't have access to

I do have access to one at work, just not at home (I can only fit so many OS partitions on one laptop.)

I'm happy to add a brief note to the tools.html page noting that
python 2.5 is required and linking to a page.

Our scripts already print:
webkitpy.python24.versioning: [WARNING] WebKit Python scripts do not
support your current Python version (2.4.6).  The minimum supported
version is 2.5.

I'm happy to augment that warning to provide a download URL.

In short, I don't think Tiger (which appears legacy and
maintenance-mode only at this point) should hold hostage our script
development on all platforms.  We should simply update the bot and be
done with things. :)

My feeling about requiring a higher Python version for Tiger remains this:

"I'd prefer that we provide an easy means to do the install of Python 2.6 (ideally a single script you can run, and ideally without affecting the system copy), rather than making every Tiger developer figure it out on their own."

For those of us who still need to support Tiger, it would be a huge hassle to have to figure out how to update Python manually to even run the layout tests. The fact that it's not a primary development platform doesn't mean that it's ok to add stumbling blocks to the development process. In fact, it kinda makes it less ok, because then it takes more work to shift gears when fixing a Tiger-specific bug.

At minimum, there should be instructions here, and ideally the install should be one step:

I understand that Google is not interested in supporting Tiger, but please be kind to those of us who do have to support it (for now anyway).


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