You should raise this question on the public-fx mailing list:


On Jun 1, 2010, at 6:56 AM, Jonathan Kliegman wrote:

> I was looking at Bug 16183 ( - 
> SVG doesn't support rgba() colors.  I was planning on fixing this but after 
> reading the SVG spec at which states that SVG 
> supports CSS2 color specifications I'm unsure if this should be fixed or not. 
> rgba() was introduced with CSS3 so is technically not supported by SVG.  
> Looking at other implementations Chrome and webkit-head both render a rgba() 
> color as pure black.  Safari 4.0.5 I've seen render it as either black or 
> missing.  Firefox does render it properly.  Batiq fails to render and gives 
> an error: "The attribute "stroke" represents an invalid CSS value ("rgba(0, 
> 255, 0, 0.5)")."  
> Looking at this bug from an end user perspective it would be good to add this 
> feature in as its likely that people will build sites that aren't strictly 
> compliant and would want things to just work.  However I'm always wary of 
> making changes that go against a published standard as that path can lead to 
> ugliness, divergent standards and future headaches.  
> What I'm looking for from the community is feedback on what the right thing 
> to do here with respect to webkit is.  Is it worth the convenience to the 
> user to add support for rgba() to the SVG code? 

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