On Aug 17, 2010, at 6:50 AM, Dean Jackson wrote:

> On 17/08/2010, at 12:22 AM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
>> On Aug 16, 2010, at 10:52 PM, Eric Seidel wrote:
>>> Where-ever it goes, please don't put it on Document directly. :)
>>> (Feel free to tie it to Document's lifetime, just don't add to
>>> Document's 300+ methods.)
>>> The madness must stop...  Document is long overdue for some weightloss...
>> I assume Dean is suggesting that Document would gain a new data member 
>> (DeviceMotionController?) which strikes me as a reasonable approach.
> Right - either one or two (+DeviceOrientationController). I do think the 
> controllers of both events could be a single object - but that is another 
> discussion.
> If it wasn't on Document, what do you suggest otherwise? DOMWindow? Putting 
> it on Frame but tying it to Document seems less than perfect.

My specific advice was in the rest of my reply - trimming quotes so you can see 

>> For this sort of thing, it seems reasonable to me that there is a layer of 
>> the implementation that is a per-document controller, and then below that a 
>> singleton object in case we don't need things to happen multiple times per 
>> document. It doesn't seem especially helpful to have something happen at the 
>> Page level, in normal operation.
>> The reason it seems a singleton would be useful is that you only want to 
>> register with the OS service once, and then multicast the relevant 
>> notifications to all clients that are listening.
>> For purposes of substituting a mock controller:
>> (1) If there is a singleton beneath the per-document controllers, perhaps 
>> the mock object can insert itself at that level.
>> (2) Even if the mock controller is at the per-document level, it is likely 
>> still sufficient for most tests; it might mean a little extra work if we 
>> need to specifically test geolocation or device motion/orientation from a 
>> subframe.


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