The main reason is DumpRenderTree. If we use the Path::createEllipse
logic of the different platforms, we end up with different LayoutTest
results on SVG between platform, since we create them by traversing the
path data of the certain platform.
So changing this is painful and causes a lot of new platform dependent
results. But I would support this! :-)
Btw, we have the same problem with Path::createCircle.


Am Sonntag, den 19.09.2010, 05:11 +0200 schrieb Andreas Kling:
> Hey folks,
> Is there a reason we're manually creating the ellipses in 
> Path::createEllipse() instead of using the port-specific Path::addEllipse()?
> For the SVG version of the benchmark at 
> we're 
> spending roughly 25% of runtime in Path::createEllipse(), whereas if I 
> let it use Qt's Path::addEllipse() it drops to 2.5%.
> (Qt is also much better at rendering the paths generated by 
> QPainterPath::addEllipse() instead of the 100x LineTo paths from 
> Path::createEllipse - time spent filling paths goes down from 30% to 25%.)
> All in all, these are 15 additional FPS that I'd love to get if 
> possible. So lay it on me :-)
> Curiously yours,
> -Kling
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