On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 11:12 AM, David Hyatt <hy...@apple.com> wrote:
> This is going to be tricky. You basically want to walk the line box tree
> rather than the renderobject tree and then look at surrounding text.
> > About turning off the underline if the ruby is in a link: I've looked at
> the styles and tried adding code to change the parts that I think relate to
> this, but haven't found anything that makes a difference. It's also occurred
> to me that I might be able to do this by writing a rule in
> <WebKit>WebCore/css/html.css, but I can't figure out exactly what the rule
> would look like. I tried adding "text-decoration: none" to the "ruby > rt"
> section, but that doesn't do it.
> >
> > (at first, I thought that is was probably overkill, but now I think that
> turning text-decoration off for all ruby text is probably right.)
> There is no way to do this.  The closest I see is:
> http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-text/#text-decoration-skip
> This is not implemented in WebKit yet.
> We'd probably need to add a new value to that property if Ruby is supposed
> to be skipped.

Can't we ignore all text decorations when rendering a text node inside rt?

- Ryosuke
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