On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 6:34 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com> wrote:
> On Sep 29, 2010, at 2:02 PM, Kenneth Russell wrote:
>> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 11:26 AM, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com> wrote:
>>> On Sep 28, 2010, at 11:05 AM, Kenneth Russell wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Sep 28, 2010, at 7:15 AM, Chris Marrin wrote:
>>>>>> On Sep 27, 2010, at 6:37 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
>>>>>>> On Sep 27, 2010, at 3:19 PM, Michael Nordman wrote:
>>>>>>>> Webkit's XHR currently does not keep two copies of the data that I can 
>>>>>>>> see. I think we should avoid that.
>>>>>>> We could keep the raw data around, which hopefully is directly usable 
>>>>>>> as an ArrayBuffer backing store, and only translate it to text format 
>>>>>>> when/if the client requests responseText.
>>>>>> Yes, the raw data should be usable without translation in an 
>>>>>> ArrayBuffer. But we'd still need to make a copy of the raw bits when a 
>>>>>> new ArrayBuffer is created via responseArrayBuffer(), because that 
>>>>>> object is mutable.
>>>>> Is there an immutable variant of ArrayBuffer? If not, we really need one. 
>>>>> But even without that, note that you don't necessarily need to make an 
>>>>> immediate copy, you can use copy-on-write.
>>>>> The immutable variant would be helpful since we could avoid implementing 
>>>>> threadsafe copy-on-write just to allow efficient passing of ArrayBuffers 
>>>>> to Workers.
>>>> Chris has raised this issue on the public_webgl list, and we've begun
>>>> discussion there, but I would like to point out that having an
>>>> immutable ArrayBuffer and views on it does not help with the situation
>>>> of passing data to or from a web worker. The side that constructs the
>>>> data will necessarily have a mutable view, so it will be able to cause
>>>> changes that can be seen on the other side even if the view on the
>>>> other side is immutable.
>>> Not if the side that got the data got it in immutable form in the first 
>>> place. For example, if you get an immutable ArrayBuffer from XHR in a 
>>> Worker, then you can pass it to another Worker or to the main thread 
>>> without the need for any copying or copy-on-write.
>>>> We have a design that will allow efficient zero-copy producer/consumer
>>>> queues to be implemented using TypedArrays while maintaining
>>>> ECMAScript's shared-nothing semantics. I'll be happy to sketch it out,
>>>> but it's probably most appropriate for a mailing list like
>>>> public_webgl.
>>> I'm curious to hear it and I don't follow public_webgl.
>>> I'd specifically like to handle the following case:
>>> - You obtain a chunk of binary data from the network or filesystem and want 
>>> to pass it to another thread without copying.
>> The scenario to which I've given the most thought is that where a
>> continuous stream of data is sent from a worker to the main thread,
>> vice versa, or back and forth. I'll describe the solution for this
>> case first and then discuss how it applies to yours.
>> In the producer/consumer scenario it is essential to avoid continuous
>> memory allocation and deallocation. Ideally the main thread and worker
>> would share a fixed size memory region. Since this would violate the
>> shared-nothing semantic, a different solution is needed.
>> The idea is that when an ArrayBuffer is sent via postMessage, it is
>> atomically "closed" on this side; its publicly visible length goes to
>> 0, as do the lengths of any views referring to it. On the other side,
>> a new ArrayBuffer wrapper object is synthesized, pointing to the same
>> storage and with the original length.
>> To be able to reuse the same memory region over and over again, the
>> other side would simply send the ArrayBuffer back for re-filling via
>> postMessage. Ping-ponging ArrayBuffers back and forth achieves
>> zero-copy transfer of large amounts of data while still maintaining
>> the shared-nothing semantic. The only allocations are for the (tiny)
>> ArrayBuffer wrapper objects, but the underlying storage is stable.
>> Implementing this idea will require a couple of minor additions to the
>> TypedArray specification (in particular, the addition of a "close"
>> method on ArrayBuffer) as well as defining the semantics of sending an
>> ArrayBuffer via postMessage. I hope to prototype it soon.
>> Regarding your scenario, I would simply post the ArrayBuffer from the
>> XHR object to the worker with the above semantics. The main thread
>> would then not be able to access the data in the ArrayBuffer, but
>> sending it to the worker for processing would not involve any data
>> copies.
> Sure, transfer semantics avoid shared mutable state, though it would be 
> inconsistent with most other "pure data" types. But what if you have some 
> data that doesn't need mutating but you'd like to share with multiple other 
> Workers? Now you'd be forced to explicitly copy. The availability of an 
> immutable variant would let you avoid that. At most, you'd need to copy once 
> if your ArrayBuffer started immutable; or you could have the ability to 
> convert mutable to immutable at runtime (it would have to be a one-way 
> conversion, of course).
>> I don't understand why the ArrayBuffer returned from the XHR needs to
>> be strictly immutable. Since the application created the XHR object,
>> it seems to me it should be fine if it mutates the copy of the data
>> attached to it.
> If the reference is immutable, then you can share the backing store with the 
> cache. If it's mutable, at best you can do copy-on-write.
> If the reference is mutable, then multiple independent pieces of code can't 
> safely share the binary response from the same XHR. They would have to copy.
> It also seems just plain surprising that you get get the response from XHR, 
> modify it (perhaps thinking it is a private copy), and then if you re-get it 
> later, it still shows the changes. responseText doesn't act that way. It 
> would be even more weird that if you pass the response to a worker, you lose 
> access to it unless you explicitly copied (assuming your transfer proposal).

Well, responseText doesn't act that way because it's a string, and
therefore immutable anyway.

That being said, clearly there are uses for both mutable and immutable

> Immutability lets you avoid a bunch of copying, and in the (likely) rare case 
> where you want to mutate the binary response data, you can make a copy only 
> when actually needed, instead of imposing costs on clients that only want to 
> read.
> Regards,
> Maciej
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