On the WebKit project we like “why” comments, but not “what” comments. Comments 
that say what the next block of code does usually are not a good idea. Instead 
by using appropriate names and granularity we want the code itself to say what 
the comment would have.

We also frown on “textbook” style comments. Long block comments that read like 
a manifesto about what a code or class will do aren’t typical in WebKit.

It’s critical that comments contain information that the code does not, rather 
than repeating information that is already present in the code. And that 
comments are brief enough and easy enough to read that they are likely to be 
noticed and updated as the code changes.

I don’t think this has much to do with specific programming languages.

A good discussion of comments could revolve around some specific code sequences 
and a discussion of whether a particular comment is suitable. I’m not sure we 
can get very far in the abstract.

    -- Darin

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