On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 7:38 PM, Eric Seidel <e...@webkit.org> wrote:
> IMO the core list should be *descriptive* rather than *prescriptive*.
> If a bot is regularly green, it should be core. If its not, it should
> be non-core.  We should not remove bots we "don't like", or add bots
> we "hope to stay green".

While this is pretty reasonably I must note that keeping bots green is
substantially more difficult if they are not core, introducing a
chicken-egg factor in your theory: green bots should (or are) core,
but it's complex to be green most of the time without being core.
That's why I think that adding bots to the core set because you "hope
they'll stay green" is not as unreasonable as it might sound.

Not that I have any perfect solution for this, but perhaps the only
criteria for being in the list should be whether people are actively
trying to keep a bot green. At least we could accept their intentions
at face value at first, and only remove them from core if they fail to
keep up (which we already do).

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