On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 3:04 PM, Darin Adler <da...@apple.com> wrote:
> On Jul 1, 2011, at 2:54 PM, Dirk Pranke wrote:
>> Does that apply to -expected.txt files in the base directories, or just 
>> platform-specific exceptions?
> Base directories.
> Expected files contain output reflecting the behavior of WebKit at the time 
> the test was checked in. The expected result when we re-run a test. Many 
> expected files contain text that says “FAIL” in them. The fact that these 
> expected results are not successes, but rather expected failures does not 
> seem to me to be a subtle point, but one of the basic things about how these 
> tests are set up.
>> I wonder how it is that I've been working (admittedly, mostly on tooling) in 
>> WebKit for more that two years and this is the first I'm hearing about this.
> I’m guessing it’s because you have been working on Chrome.
> The Chrome project came up with a different system for testing layered on top 
> of the original layout test machinery based on different concepts. I don’t 
> think anyone ever discussed that system with me; I was the one who created 
> the original layout test system, to help Dave Hyatt originally, and then 
> later the rest of the team started using it.
>> Are there reasons we [are] doing things this way[?]
> Sure. The idea of the layout test framework is to check if the code is still 
> behaving as it did when the test was created and last run; we want to detect 
> any changes in behavior that are not expected. When there are expected 
> changes in behavior, we change the contents of the expected results files.

I see, you're using "expected" in the sense of "this is what we expect
to get", not "this is what is correct".

> It seems possibly helpful to augment the test system with editorial comments 
> about which tests show bugs that we’d want to fix. But I wouldn’t want to 
> stop running all regression tests where the output reflects the effects of a 
> bug or missing feature.

Of course, looking for changes in behavior is entirely the point of
regression testing. Thank you for the history lesson :).

-- Dirk
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