On Nov 26, 2011, at 3:34 AM, Nikolas Zimmermann wrote:

> Good morning WebKit folks,
> I'm looking at build.webkit.org/waterfall, and see several bots which are 
> idle, but still report "building < 1min" pretending they would do something.
> Does any of our build.webkit.org masters know the cause of this? They all 
> seem to hang in the "upload" step. Can we detect these errors, and avoid that?
> Maybe sth. like a 30min timeout timer for this step?
> Thanks in advance,
> Niko
> P.S. I'm aware that a master restart would "fix this", but maybe we can try 
> better and avoid that completely.

More and more of these seemed to be piling up, so I restarted the master. I 
don't know what causes them, though I suspect it has something to do with 
slaves restarting during a download/upload step.


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