> I intend to add a graph in the inspector's timeline panel that shows the 
> number of global handles for V8. The V8 bindings use maps for WebCore objects 
> to global handles to V8 wrapper objects. A steady increase of global handles 
> is often a sign of a memory leak within v8 bindings.

Are you sure that all wrappers go into a map? What about wrappers for 
ScriptWrappable objects?

> My question to the JSC folks is, is there a similar counter in JSC? I.e. 
> something that corresponds to the number of wrapped WebCore objects (and 
> potentially other objects that are kept alive without necessarily being 
> reachable from javascript)?

You could read the length of JSC::HandleHeap::m_weakList. Since that's an 
expensive operation, I'd suggest computing the length during garbage collection 
and then caching it.

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