Just to close the loop on this topic, I spoke with Vishal off-list and
we figured out the problem.  Thanks everyone.


On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 1:32 AM, Vishal Shah <vis...@sokrati.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have implemented a web worker that handles XMLHttpRequest object for my
> application
> When I create a separate *.js file for the worker's script it works
> perfectly fine.
> However, when trying to instantiate the worker using a Blob, Chrome throws
> an error as follows:
> XMLHttpRequest cannot load . Cross origin requests are only supported for
> The URL of the blob is
> "blob:http%3A//localhost%3A8080/047cca65-b588-4077-a81d-84e772dde20d" which
> when decoded is
> "blob:http://localhost:8080/047cca65-b588-4077-a81d-84e772dde20d";
> And my application is also running at localhost:8080
> I think somehow the same origin check is failing for the blob.
> Following is the code snippet I am trying to implement:
>             var blobBuilder, blobBuilderClass, blobURL, urlClass, worker;
>             blobBuilderClass = wObj.BlobBuilder || wObj.WebKitBlobBuilder ||
> wObj.MozBlobBuilder;
>             urlClass = wObj.URL || wObj.webkitURL;
>             blobBuilder = new blobBuilderClass();
>             blobBuilder.append(workerFunction.toString() +
> ";\nworkerFunction();");
>             blobURL = urlClass.createObjectURL(blobBuilder.getBlob());
>             worker = new Worker(blobURL);
>             urlClass.revokeObjectURL(blobURL);
> Am I doing anything wrong here or is it a known bug in Chrome?
> Please suggest. References to any related article will be helpful.
> If this is not the correct list to be contacted, please suggest me the
> correct one.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Vishal Shah
> Sokrati Inc.
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