Apparently I was somewhat unclear.  Let me restate.  We have the following 
mechanisms available when a test fails:

1) Check in a new -expected.* file.

2) Modify the test.

3) Modify a TestExpectations file.

4) Add the test to a Skipped file.

5) Remove the test entirely.

I have no problem with (1) unless it is intended to mark the test as 
expected-to-fail-but-not-crash.  I agree that using -expected.* to accomplish 
what TestExpectations accomplishes is not valuable, but I further believe that 
even TestExpectations is not valuable.

I broadly prefer (2) whenever possible.

I believe that (3) and (4) are redundant, and I don't buy the value of (3).

I don't like (5) but we should probably do more of it for tests that have a 
chronically low signal-to-noise ratio.

You're proposing a new mechanism.  I'm arguing that given the sheer number of 
tests, and the overheads associated with maintaining them, (4) is the broadly 
more productive strategy in terms of bugs-fixed/person-hours.  And, increasing 
the number of mechanisms for dealing with tests by 20% is likely to reduce 
overall productivity rather than helping anyone.


On Aug 15, 2012, at 12:40 PM, Dirk Pranke <> wrote:

> On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 12:27 PM, Filip Pizlo <> wrote:
>> This sounds like it's adding even more complication to an already 
>> complicated system.
> In some ways, yes. In other ways, perhaps it will allow us to simplify
> things; e.g., if we are checking in failing tests, there is much less
> of a need for multiple failure keywords in the TestExpectations file
> (so perhaps we can simplify them back to something closer to Skipped
> files).
>> Given how many tests we currently have, I also don't buy that continuing to 
>> run a test that is already known to fail provides much benefit.
> I'm not sure I understand your feedback here? It's common practice (on
> all the ports as far as I know today) to rebaseline tests that are
> currently failing so that they fail differently. Of course, we also
> skip some tests while they are failing as well. However, common
> objections to skipping tests are that we can lose coverage for a
> feature and/or miss when a test starts failing worse (e.g. crashing)?
> And of course, a test might start passing again, but if we're skipping
> it we wouldn't know that ...
>> So, I'd rather not continue to institutionalize this notion that we should 
>> have loads of incomprehensible machinery to reason about tests that have 
>> already given us all the information they were meant to give (i.e. they 
>> failed, end of story).
> Are you suggesting that, rather than checking in new baselines at all
> or having lots of logic to manage different kinds of failures, we
> should just let failing tests fail (and keep the tree red) until a
> change is either reverted or the test is fixed?
> -- Dirk

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