I'm stunned that people are arguing this on webkit-dev.

Just FYI, Mozillians with whom I have spoken generally agree that <main> does not meet the high bar required to add a new element to HTML.

Shopping a patch to implementors, to get something into a standard spec by asserting de-facto status based on the patch(es) landing, is bad form.

Back to the whatwg list!


Dominic Mazzoni wrote:
On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 4:22 PM, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch <mailto:i...@hixie.ch>> wrote:

    The use case for <main> is accessibility navigation. If authors use it
    incorrectly, the feature *doesn't work*. The element becomes

But it won't break accessibility. Worst case, it starts the screen reader user at an unusual point in the page. A single keystroke will bring the user back to the top of the page, so it's no big deal.

So I'm in favor of it, because it's easy for developers, there's a small positive accessibility benefit, and I don't see any harm if it's sometimes used incorrectly.

- Dominic

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