Hello WebKittens,

Lucas and I have enabled Mac WK2 EWS bots that run layout tests using
WebKitTestRunner (WebKit2) on Mountain Lion. You should see the mac-wk2
bubble in your bugzilla entries now.

If anyone has any interest in looking at the queues, you can find them
here: EWS Queues <http://queues.webkit.org> & Active
Bots<http://queues.webkit.org/active-bots>. We
are using Mac Mini's to process our queues. There are 8 bots for the WK1
queue, 8 for WK2 queue, for a total of 16 EWS bots.

If you have any questions, freel free to ping myself or Lucas!

Best regards,
R. Niwa
webkit-dev mailing list

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