On Jan 31, 2013, at 12:49 AM, Patrick Gansterer <par...@paroga.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Am 31.01.2013 um 09:25 schrieb Mark Rowe:
>>> Regarding "(b) The generated project invokes only tools that are part
>>> of the default Mac OS X install": invoking tools that are checked into
>>> the WK repo is also possible, right, since we invoke scripts now? So,
>>> hypothetically, could we check in a copy of the ninja binary and build
>>> with that?
>> Checking in binaries isn’t an option for us, and isn’t a particularly 
>> scalable approach anyway given the number of platforms that WebKit can build 
>> on. If we require an external tool as a dependency to build WebKit from 
>> source then we’d need to check in the source for the tool and build it prior 
>> to building WebKit proper. This obviously introduces more complexity so it 
>> would be preferable to keep the dependencies to a minimum.
> Maybe you can check in the ninja source and compile it during build. It only 
> requires python (and hopefully installed build tools) to get built.

Depending on how this is done it might be possible, but as I understand it gyp 
can build ok without ninja, so it doesn't seem strictly necessary.

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