HI All,

I am working on QtWebKit  on Media Server development. Basic Idea is to run
Gstreamer in seperate process which acts like a Media server. The calls
from WebKit in MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer.cpp are routed to Media Server
via DBUS. Media Server implements the methods in
MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer class. I am basically doing this to have
control over the resources like maximum playback instances, hw codec
control etc. I am able to do achieve playback to some extent. I am facing
some problems  (race conditions) especially when deleting playback
instance. From the logs i concluded that when duration() function is made
and is waiting for response from server, ~MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer
destructor is getting called. (some times vice versa too). I am suspecting
that the MediaPlayer object is being shared between two threads (or across
timers). Can anybody give me some pointers about HTMLMediaElement  and the
timers involved? Any help is appreciated.

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