Supporting multiple JS engines is a major burden, and prevents us from doing 
optimizations that more seamlessly bridge the gap between DOM and JSC.  I 
suspect we won't want to continue supporting multiple JS engines like we did 
when the Chrome folks used WebKit with V8.


On Apr 4, 2013, at 4:54 PM, Per Bothner <> wrote:

> On 04/04/2013 10:21 AM, Oliver Hunt wrote:
>> Supporting V8 places a considerable burden on webkit, there are a number of
>> large, cumbersome and expensive abstractions required for to support multiple
>> JS engines (see the original discussions on the topic from many years ago).
> We at Oracle are working on using WebKit with our own JavaScript engine,
> Nashorn:
> This is for the WebView component of JavaFX:
> This is still experimental, and no committed deliverable.  However,
> it is obviously preferable in the eat-your-own-dogfood way that we
> use our own JavaScript engine, especially once that engine becomes
> part of the Java distribution.
> This is still in pretty rough shape, but we would find it
> unfortunate if if becomes more difficult to build WebKit
> with an alternative JavaScript engine.  For the Nashorn "port",
> I created a new WebCore/bindings/nashorn directory in
> parallel to WebCore/bindings/js and WebCore/bindings/v8.
> We generate .java class from the .idl file.  No "JavaScript
> classes" are ever created.  Instead Nashorn provides an
> on-the-fly bridge to the Java objects.
> -- 
>       --Per Bothner
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