On 2013-04-08, at 17:16, Patrick Gansterer <par...@paroga.com> wrote:

> Am 09.04.2013 um 00:58 schrieb Mark Rowe:
>> On 2013-04-08, at 15:44, Patrick Gansterer <par...@paroga.com> wrote:
>>> Am 08.04.2013 um 21:26 schrieb Roger Fong:
>>>> Unfortunately this would cause a lot of complication in our internal build 
>>>> setup that we currently don’t really have the resources to deal with right 
>>>> now.
>>> Please don't get me wrong, but I only get a "some internal problems" answer 
>>> always. Can someone please give some more detailed answer on the internal 
>>> requirements. I'm willing to do the work for the Windows ports, but I need 
>>> more information. How is the Windows port built at Apple? Is it possible to 
>>> switch it to a CMake generated project? 
>> The biggest complicating factor is that when each project builds it only has 
>> access to its own source, and the built products from earlier projects. This 
>> was mentioned the last time you suggested switching to CMake for the Windows 
>> build: 
>> <https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2012-April/020291.html>.
> I know the last thread, so please don't hurt me if I ask dumb questions, but 
> how does it work at the moment? ;-)
> What is the root directory of a checkout? E.g. if I checkout only 
> Source/JavaScriptCore how can I access the vsprops files from 
> WebKitLibraries/win?

WebKitLibraries/win/tools is treated as its own project. It is built first so 
that the other WebKit projects can use the files that it installs. You can see 
a Makefile at WebKitLibraries/win/tools/WinTools.make that does the 

> Is there a checkout of this "global" files for the individual targets too?


> If there is a checkout of the whole tree for every target, how do you make 
> sure that the files from the previous build are use (and not from the 
> checkout)?

Only a subset of the tree is available. For instance, when preparing to build 
JavaScriptCore the relevant source is fetched using “svn export 
https://svn.webkit.org/repository/webkit/trunk/Source/JavaScriptCore”. The 
resulting directory is then provided to the build machine.

> Beside this, is there a general problem with CMake for the Windows port? For 
> the Mac port there is the problem, that CMake is not an executable provided 
> by the system (maybe i can some time...). Since many other tools are require 
> separate installation  on Windows anyway there should be no problem in 
> installing CMake too?

Making the CMake executable available shouldn’t be a problem.

Do the projects generated by CMake suffer from the same problem with absolute 
paths as CMake’s Xcode projects? I’m not sure whether that would be a problem 
for us on Windows, but it’s good to understand any limitations ahead of time.

- Mark
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