Sounds ok to add it prefixed.

 - Maciej

On Oct 1, 2013, at 4:53 PM, James Craig <> wrote:

> Follow-up question:  Since this hasn’t made it into the CSS4 spec yet, should 
> we temporarily use “-webkit-alt” for the property name? I know there has been 
> a push to move away from vendor prefixes lately, so if there are no 
> objections, I propose we use the unprefixed version.
> On Sep 30, 2013, at 10:08 PM, James Craig <> wrote:
>> AX: Implement CSS -webkit-alt property
>> This is blocking 20+ bugs on one of our higher profile content sites and 
>> we’d like to start work on it. To clarify, the problem is that with CSS 
>> generated content in pseudo-elements like this:
>>      .expandable::before { content: "\25BA"; /* a.k.a. ► */ }
>> …there is no way to prevent VoiceOver from speaking the literal character 
>> description, “right pointing black pointer.” If this were an actual DOM 
>> node, we could hang some ARIA attributes on it, but there is no node for 
>> pseudo-elements, so the property has to be defined in CSS.
>> The CSS Working Group discussion indicates the editors (Tab from Google, and 
>> Elika from Mozilla) are generally on board with the concept of accessible 
>> text alternatives for CSS generated content and Tab suggested the property 
>> name. It is not in a CSS4 draft yet, but some usage examples are below.
>> Rendering a decorative disclosure triangle on a "collapsed” ARIA treeitem:
>>      [aria-expanded="false”]::before {
>>              content: "\25BA"; /* a.k.a. ► , literally “right pointing black 
>> pointer” */
>>              alt: ""; /* aria-expanded="false" already in DOM, so this 
>> pseudo-element is decorative */
>>      }
>> And this, where a style indicates new content, screen readers can speak 
>> “New” instead of “shadowed white star”:
>>      [data-new]::after {
>>              content: "\2730”; /* a.k.a. ✰ , literally “shadowed white star” 
>>  */
>>              alt: attr(data-new); /* allows for localized content from the 
>> DOM, e.g. @data-new="New!" */
>>      }
>> Any questions or concerns?
>> Thanks,
>> James
>> PS. Related to this one is bug 122138, where the “alt” can be specified 
>> inline after url() image content:
>> AX: WebKit does not expose text alternative of CSS generated image content
>>      .new::after {
>>              content: url(./star.png), "New!";
>>      }
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