On Nov 6, 2013, at 4:26 PM, John Mellor <joh...@chromium.org> wrote:

> I've suggested before that the attributes could be combined if that's 
> considered simpler. My only concern is that most developers aren't used to 
> putting line breaks in html attributes, so might feel obliged to put all the 
> alternatives on one line, harming readability. But as long as the developer 
> documentation encourages line breaks, that could be fine...

As I replied before, there should only be one attribute — srcset. Given that 
your micro format extends around parts of the existing micro format of srcset, 
it just makes sense to reuse the same attribute. Wishing srcset didn't exist 
doesn't make it go away. Tweaking it is more approachable and should get better 
support from the WebKit community and likely other venders who are now stalled 
because of this proposal. Especially since the current viewport syntax in 
srcset has little-to-no support or implementations. Also if srcset is the 
attribute, the CSS function srcset() should support the same micro format.

Designing this proposal around code formatting is a non-issue in my opinion and 
it surely didn't stop SVG from providing just one "d" attribute for <path>. 
Following the your logic, it should be d-N. Sure, <path d="…"> is primarily 
meant to be written by software. Though, as responsive designs get more 
complex, people are going to rely on software to generate these src strings 
too. I surely don't want to be micromanaging the intrinsic widths in a 
<viewport-urls> set if I need to change the width and export again from 
Photoshop. Some workflow tool is likely going to generate these and having them 
in one attribute makes them infinitely easier for a script to manage. (And 
easier for humans too if things need reordered, as I mentioned earlier.)

— Timothy Hatcher

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