> My question in short: is it necessary to call JSValueProtect right after 
> object/value creation in C++?


> I don't know the semantics of the GC, but I'm assuming that almost any call 
> to a JSC function that takes a context may run a garbage collection cycle.


> Therefore, if I'm not immediately returning the created object, it might get 
> cleaned up prematurely.

Because the GC scans the stack, and the value you just created is on the stack, 
it won’t be garbage collected right away.

> Could you share some advice on the proper usage of JSValueProtect and on 
> keeping objects from going away unexpectedly?

If you store a JSValueRef or JSObjectRef into a C/C++ heap object, then you 
should JSValueProtect the JSValueRef/JSObjectRef, since your reference to it 
will outlast the pointer to it on the stack.

Use JSValueProtect/JSValueUnprotect just like you would use any other 
reference-counting API — such as CFRetain/CFRelease, NSObject retain/release, 
or IUnknown AddRef/RemoveRef — with the added feature that you do not need to 
retain local variables.

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