Hi everyone,

I have a couple of questions regarding the different ports of WebKit:

1) I suppose the port used by Safari Mac OS X is the Apple’s mac port (built by 
Is there a planing of when a version of WebKit is being publicly released in 
Safari Mac?

2) Which port is being used by Safari iOS and how to build it?
Is there a release planning?
What is the flag to build this port?
How to test it?

3) Which port is being used to power third party applications on iOS? and how 
to build it?
Is there a release planning?
What is the flag to build this port?
How to test it?


Haché Jacques-Olivier
R&D Engineer at Temasys Communications Pte Ltd
Fr : 06 45 85 48 80
Sg : 9086 3673 

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