> On May 22, 2016, at 3:39 PM, Daniel Olegovich Lazarenko <dani...@opera.com> 
> wrote:
> What if I make a bug report in bugzilla about making a design spec of this 
> feature. I could then write down implementation details options and summarize 
> all points we've discussed here. Maybe in a form of a google document. This 
> spec could then be reviewed and approved for action by you and any other 
> interested people you want to be involved. Do you think it could work better?

Before getting to the design of things, we usually spend quite a bit of time 
figuring out what the use cases are, and from the those use cases, what the 
different possible solutions are that address those use cases.  I don’t feel we 
have gotten past the use case part yet.

- Sam

> On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 11:59 PM, Brady Eidson <beid...@apple.com 
> <mailto:beid...@apple.com>> wrote:
>> On May 22, 2016, at 3:14 AM, Daniel Olegovich Lazarenko <dani...@opera.com 
>> <mailto:dani...@opera.com>> wrote:
>> > It’s not yet clear what the ideal architecture is, which is one of the 
>> > reasons why the mentioned issued remains unresolved.
>> What are the other reasons?
> Perhaps I misrepresented - AFAIK that is the only important reason.
>> Are there any reasons that block us from discussing the right architecture?
>> I'd like to start working on a patch, but I need directions from you.
> I replied to this thread to describe significant issues with the two 
> approaches you suggested.
> But I am not able to conclude the thread by unilaterally giving directions to 
> a lone contributor on how to properly implement this feature.
> That’s a much broader conversation than just you and I.
> Thanks,
> ~Brady
>> I'd like to come up with some sort of a plan for this as well. Since the 
>> desired approach sounds complicated, it would be nice to split it as a 
>> series of patches where each patch is committed separately and improves the 
>> feature towards the goal.
>> On Sun, May 22, 2016 at 6:16 AM, Brady Eidson <beid...@apple.com 
>> <mailto:beid...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>> On May 21, 2016, at 2:05 PM, Daniel Olegovich Lazarenko <dani...@opera.com 
>>> <mailto:dani...@opera.com>> wrote:
>>> > We are exploring ways to restore that full functionality - 
>>> > https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=138169 
>>> > <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=138169>
>>> Having custom scheme protocols is important to me too. I didn't know that 
>>> it is broken with WKWebView. Do you know what exactly is broken?
>> From most developer’s perspective, what is broken is that their 
>> NSURLProtocol they can register in their “UI Process” that used to work in 
>> WK1 views no longer has any effect in WK2.
>>> I thought that if you call [WKBrowsingContextController 
>>> registerSchemeForCustomProtocol:] with your scheme, then it works. When I 
>>> checked last (a year ago) it was implemented in a way that the 
>>> WebProcess/NetworkingProcess would pass a message to UIProcess, and handle 
>>> the network request in the UIProcess. Did it change?
>> That did not change.
>> But that mechanism was never API, and even as SPI it is formally deprecated.
>>> Assuming that registerSchemeForCustomProtocol still works the same way, you 
>>> basically state that you dislike the current solution (that does the work 
>>> in the UIProcess), and want to have a different architecture.
>>> For custom networking or proxying you have to run the app-provided code. 
>>> The basic strategy I proposed was to run it in the app process (i.e. 
>>> UIProcess). Since you don't want any networking in UIProcess, it means that 
>>> the app needs to spawn a dedicated process to do custom networking. This 
>>> process would run app-specific code (including NSURLProtocol-s), and 
>>> communicate by IPC with the NetworkingProcess. Is this a kind of 
>>> architecture you would like to have?
>> It’s not yet clear what the ideal architecture is, which is one of the 
>> reasons why the mentioned issued remains unresolved.
>> Thanks,
>> ~Brady
>>> On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 5:58 PM, Brady Eidson <beid...@apple.com 
>>> <mailto:beid...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>>> On May 20, 2016, at 2:30 AM, Daniel Olegovich Lazarenko <dani...@opera.com 
>>>> <mailto:dani...@opera.com>> wrote:
>>>> Thank you for such a fast reply. That is amazing! :)
>>>> Back to questions...
>>>> > Are you primarily focused on a custom networking layer (e.g. your own 
>>>> > HTTP implementation?),
>>>> > or with custom protocol handling for non-http protocols?
>>>> I'm primarily concerned about HTTP and friends (HTTPS, SPDY, HTTP2), but 
>>>> if there are any other widely used protocols that's also interesting. FTP 
>>>> support is not interesting for me. Do you have any other specific things 
>>>> in mind?
>>>> If there's a custom proprietary protocol that people handle in the app 
>>>> with their own code, for example, acme://acme.com:1234 
>>>> <http://acme.com:1234/>, then proxying this thing is not very interesting 
>>>> to me, because it's very easy to proxy my own protocol handled by my own 
>>>> code. There's a case when "acme" is provided by some 3rd party, and the 
>>>> app author doesn't have the processing code. In such case it might be 
>>>> interesting to proxy it as well, but then again, I'm asking for a concrete 
>>>> example of such protocol (in WebKit context).
>>> In a WebKit1 app (WebView on Mac, UIWebView on iOS), app authors were able 
>>> to use NSURLProtocol to override any scheme they wished.
>>> While some such as yourself might’ve used it to override http from the 
>>> default handling, *many more* used it to implement custom protocols. e.g. 
>>> “acme://my-app-specific-url <>”
>>> We are exploring ways to restore that full functionality - 
>>> https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=138169 
>>> <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=138169>
>>>> > You seem to dismiss the Networking process’ crash recovery aspect.
>>>> > "because in practice we know that most of the crashes happen in the 
>>>> > WebProcess parts”.
>>>> > I’m curious what data you’re using to make that claim?
>>>> Well, I'm not dismissing it, it's definitely a trade off that an app 
>>>> author will make by choosing to enable this option.
>>>> The data comes from our web browser apps. We certainly see networking 
>>>> faults, but in total it was usually a minor part of all the WebKit 
>>>> crashes. To not sound subjective, I've looked through our current app 
>>>> version, which already has enough data to judge, and in the top WebKit 
>>>> crashes there are none in the network code. Most are crashes in 
>>>> JavaScriptCore, DOM and graphics subsystems. This is the experience we 
>>>> have over many versions and years of service. I might be able to show you 
>>>> the data in private if you want, although I'm sure that you have your own 
>>>> crash analysis system with much more data.
>>> Without getting in to specifics, the NetworkingProcess does crash.
>>> And while the WebContent process does crash way more, it usually only 
>>> effects that one web page.
>>> If networking code was back inside the UI Process, and it crashed, that 
>>> takes down the whole browser.
>>> Doing so would be reverting towards the single process architecture of 
>>> yesteryear, not progressing away from it.
>>>> Let's discuss the sandboxing a little bit. First of all, and correct me if 
>>>> I'm wrong: I thought that there's no 3rd party code execution in the 
>>>> networking process,
>>> Currently, there is no 3rd party code execution in the networking process.
>>>> and all the JS execution happens inside the WebProcess.
>>> That’s correct, but I’m not necessarily talking about JS.
>>>> The code that we want to run is our own code that we control that we 
>>>> implement in a safe and secure manner.
>>> The 1st party is “the Modern WebKit framework.”
>>> The 3rd party is “the application’s code, as well as stuff downloaded from 
>>> the Internet.
>>>> In this sense it's no less secure.
>>> A single process app that does whatever it wants with the networking stack 
>>> is less secure to the user than a multi-process app that has well defined 
>>> behavior inside certain sandboxed parts of the app.
>>>> In the end we are always protected by the iOS/Mac sandbox.
>>> For a WKWebView app on iOS, while the app itself is sandboxed, the 
>>> Networking process is *much more* sandboxed.
>>>> Maybe I'm wrong about JS here, or do you have some other use case in mind?
>>> I think you misunderstood that I was talking about the native app code that 
>>> is a 3rd party client to the WebKit framework.
>>> But, there is an important JS aspect to this; Since there is messaging 
>>> between the WebContent process and the Networking process, a vulnerability 
>>> in the WebContent process can turn into a “remote exploit” of the 
>>> Networking process.
>>> Therefore it is beneficial to have the Networking process tightened down as 
>>> much as possible.
>>> ---
>>> There’s another very important reason why offering a 
>>> “networking-in-UI-process mode” is not appealing. From a project 
>>> maintenance standpoint, the more configurations we have the harder it is to 
>>> test and develop within the project.
>>> Adding this “optional” networking mode would double certain testing 
>>> matrices and make development in this area (which there has been a lot of 
>>> lately) more difficult.
>>>> > Debugging the multi process architecture of WebKit2 
>>>> > has not gotten any harder in years, active developers have all adapted, 
>>>> > and new developers tend to pick it up pretty quickly. This is not a 
>>>> > useful point.
>>>> I'm sorry that you are rejecting this. Of course you can adapt to that, 
>>>> but it inevitably has a steeper learning curve, and takes longer time. 
>>>> Many app developers come from a single-process background and find 
>>>> multi-process debugging much harder. Often it's a real challenge to 
>>>> understand what's going on. I'm sure that you in your team have multiple 
>>>> stories that show how non-trivial it is, and tricks about dealing with it. 
>>>> Nevertheless, I agree, it's not a decisive point.
>>> AFAIK, we haven’t had a potential contributor to the WebKit Open Source 
>>> project decide to not contribute because of the multi-process architecture.
>>> But, regardless, the MP architecture is primarily how well WebKit works as 
>>> a browser engine for the user, and not about how easy it is for 
>>> single-process-only developers to contribute.
>>> Such developers can still actively contribute to the cross platform code of 
>>> the project (WebCore) in single process mode using MiniBrowser or 
>>> DumpRenderTree.
>>> Thanks,
>>> ~Brady
>>>> On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 6:43 PM, Brady Eidson <beid...@apple.com 
>>>> <mailto:beid...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>>>> On May 19, 2016, at 8:41 AM, Daniel Olegovich Lazarenko 
>>>>> <dani...@opera.com <mailto:dani...@opera.com>> wrote:
>>>>> I'd like to ask your for advice about implementation of a custom 
>>>>> networking layer
>>>> Are you primarily focused on a custom networking layer (e.g. your own HTTP 
>>>> implementation?), or with custom protocol handling for non-http protocols?
>>>>> ...with WKWebView on iOS.
>>>> WKWebView is an API that ships on both OS X and iOS. When a design aspect 
>>>> of it affects both platforms (such as the networking behavior), we must 
>>>> consider both platforms.
>>>>> Our current solution is based on NSURLProtocol, and the issues we had 
>>>>> with it in 2014 are unresolved:
>>>>> https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=137302 
>>>>> <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=137302>
>>>>> https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=138131 
>>>>> <https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=138131>
>>>>> It was kind of a shoehorn hack, and so it was rejected by Benjamin 
>>>>> Poulain and Alexey Proskuryakov among other reviewers.
>>>> I’m not sure it’s useful for WebKit to spend energy testing and 
>>>> maintaining a mechanism that *only* allows for HTTP-handling replacement 
>>>> and doesn’t also allow for the oft-requested feature of custom protocol 
>>>> handling.
>>>>> Now I'm again looking for a better solution.
>>>>> I'd really like to discuss it with somebody responsible,
>>>> There is no single person responsible; the project works largely on 
>>>> consensus. When dealing with platform specific concerns such as this, it 
>>>> works on consensus of the platform owners.
>>>> That said, I have been the primary caretaker of the Networking process 
>>>> since it’s inception, as well one of the primary caretakers of Mac/iOS 
>>>> networking in general for many years, so I’ll share my thoughts below.
>>>>> There's currently 2 solutions I'm weighting:
>>>>> Pass and use NetworkProcessCreationParameters.httpProxy to 
>>>>> NSURLSessionConfiguration (in NetworkSession and maybe other places). The 
>>>>> httpProxy solution is easy to implement and would look clean design-wise. 
>>>>> It would let us spawn an HTTP proxy on localhost and filter the traffic 
>>>>> there. There might be some complications, because it's not fully 
>>>>> transparent to the client side. For example HTTPS will have issues. All 
>>>>> in all this could be a fine short-term solution.
>>>> While ToT WebKit contains an NSURLSession-based networking implementation 
>>>> for Mac/iOS, it also still contains an NSURLConnection implementation, 
>>>> which is unaffected by NSURLSession considerations.
>>>> That a solution doesn’t work on all supported platforms is not a deal 
>>>> breaker, but it certainly makes it less interesting than one that does.
>>>> HTTPS losing reliability is likely an unacceptable red flag. 
>>>> I’m not sure it’s useful for WebKit to spend energy testing and 
>>>> maintaining a mechanism that *only* allows for HTTP-handling replacement 
>>>> and doesn’t also allow for the oft-requested feature of custom protocol 
>>>> handling.
>>>>> Add a new mode to the NetworkProcess, which would do all networking in 
>>>>> UIProcess (instead of spawning a new process). A mode would be optional 
>>>>> and controlled with some configuration setting (or NSUserDefaults).
>>>>> The UIProcess solution is harder to implement, and it will affect more 
>>>>> code. It is somewhat controversial. One of the reasons of splitting out a 
>>>>> NetworkProcess was to have it respawn after crashes. Nevertheless we can 
>>>>> take this risk, because in practice we know that most of the crashes 
>>>>> happen in the WebProcess parts.
>>>> You seem to dismiss the Networking process’ crash recovery aspect. 
>>>> "because in practice we know that most of the crashes happen in the 
>>>> WebProcess parts”.  I’m curious what data you’re using to make that claim?
>>>>>  I don't see any other significant downsides of having the UIProcess 
>>>>> handling networking.
>>>> The Networking process provides significant benefit unrelated to crash 
>>>> recovery that should not be abandoned for convenience sake. e.g. 
>>>> Sandboxing.
>>>> Especially when moving the networking to the UI process would also end up 
>>>> moving 3rd party code execution into the UI process, this seems like an 
>>>> unacceptable regression.
>>>>> In addition it can simplify the NetworkProcess debugging.
>>>> Debugging the multi process architecture of WebKit2 has not gotten any 
>>>> harder in years, active developers have all adapted, and new developers 
>>>> tend to pick it up pretty quickly. This is not a useful point.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> ~Brady
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