Hello WebKit developers,

We have rescheduled our switch of svn.webkit.org and git.webkit.org for Friday (3/17) morning, between 10 and 11am PDT. We will also be moving trac.webkit.org and perf.webkit.org during the same time.

The current svn repository will be made read-only at 10am. We will send out a notice when commit can be made again.


On 3/13/17 3:02 PM, Lucas Forschler wrote:
Hello WebKit,

Both svn.webkit.org <http://svn.webkit.org> and the git.webkit.org <http://git.webkit.org> mirror will be transitioning to new hardware this evening.

For svn.webkit.org <http://svn.webkit.org>, our plan is to make the current repository read only between 6:00 and 6:30. As soon as the DNS change takes effect, you should be able to commit to the new server as expected, with no changes. We are using the same UUID and SSL certificate, so your source checkout should not complain. I’ll follow-up with another reminder shortly before we make any changes.


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