thanks anne for correcting me.

I'm getting well identified, automated "waves" of sync commits from google,
but I had left the mozilla ones pass me.

thanks young for the info on apple policy moving forward. That explain why
a lot of the messages today were about the Fetch API i guess ;-)

On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 11:08 PM, youenn fablet <> wrote:

> Yes, Mozilla and Chromium are doing two-side synchronization, with
> different variants.
> The current strategy here is doing export on a per-bug basis.
> Le mer. 22 mars 2017 à 08:06, Anne van Kesteren <> a
> écrit :
>> On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 3:55 PM, Alexandre GOUAILLARD
>> <> wrote:
>> > that s great to have now chrome AND webkit doing it. I hope mozilla and
>> the
>> > other will follow, as discussed on the side of BlinkOn last year.
>> FWIW, Mozilla already periodically synchronizes with WPT. Think we
>> were first even.
>> --

Alex. Gouaillard, PhD, PhD, MBA
President - CoSMo Software Consulting, Singapore

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