On Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 8:24 AM, Mike Pennisi <m...@bocoup.com> wrote:
> Hi Youenn. My name is Mike, and I've been working with Google for the past 4
> months or so to improve various aspects of the Web Platform Tests project
> (more
> on that here [1]).
>> The only constraint I know of is that the test does not give flaky tests
>> from
>> WPT Chrome/Firefox bots.
> The full set of validation steps are described in the project's
> `.travis.yml`
> file [2]. That's a bit tough to read even if you're familiar with TravisCI
> (we're
> working on it!), but from WebKit's perspective, the only other relevant
> check
> is for file linting. It's not very opinionated (mostly limited to objective
> concerns) but still something to be aware of.

We can probably integrate W3C's lint into our style checker.

> I'm wondering if we can avoid duplicating effort by making a standalone
> tool.
> It might even be the kind of thing we could host in the W3C GitHub
> organization--whose to say that Edge (for example) wouldn't benefit from
> that,
> too? I would love to be involved in that implementation.

That would be fantastic. I suppose each vendor can configure the
scripts for their own needs?

- R. Niwa
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