> On Sep 1, 2017, at 10:09 AM, Chris Dumez <cdu...@apple.com> wrote:
> I think std::optional<Ref<Type>> looks ugly. Also, unlike RefPtr<>, I do not 
> think it is copyable. It is pretty neat to be able to capture a RefPtr<> by 
> value in a lambda.
> Also, how do you convert it to a raw pointer? myOptionalRef.value_or(nullptr) 
> would not work. Not sure there would be a nice way to do so.
> Finally, the storage space argument from Maciej is a good one.

We could create a specialization for std::optional<Ref>.  Filed: 

That seems like a good idea separately from whether it should be used instead 
of RefPtr.  Even if we did have style prohibiting it, we might end up with such 
a type because of template specialization.

I can see cases were std::optional<Ref> works more naturally into the 
surrounding code than RefPtr.  That probably happens if your code is already 
based on Ref.  In my experience there’s a lot of inertia to these things - once 
some code uses RefPtr enough, it can be awkward to introduce Ref and perhaps 
vice versa.  I don’t find it very hard to switch between thinking in terms of 
Ref and RefPtr, so I don’t mind that our code uses both.  I wouldn’t agree with 
a style that encourages using std::optional<Ref> instead of RefPtr, but I also 
wouldn’t want to disallow it.


> --
>  Chris Dumez
>> On Sep 1, 2017, at 9:46 AM, Maciej Stachowiak <m...@apple.com 
>> <mailto:m...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>> On Sep 1, 2017, at 9:30 AM, Brady Eidson <beid...@apple.com 
>>> <mailto:beid...@apple.com>> wrote:
>>> I recently worked on a patch where - because of the organic refactoring of 
>>> the patch over its development - I ended up with a std::optional<Ref> 
>>> instead of a RefPtr.
>>> A followup review after it had already landed pointed this out, and it got 
>>> me to thinking:
>>> Does RefPtr do anything for us today that std::optional<Ref> doesn’t?
>> The obvious things would be: uses less storage space, has a shorter name.
>>> I kind of like the idea of replacing RefPtr with std::optional<Ref>. It 
>>> makes it explicitly clear what object is actually holding the reference, 
>>> and completely removes some of the confusion of “when should I use Ref vs 
>>> RefPtr?"
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Thanks,
>>> ~Brady
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