On Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 11:10 AM, Alexey Proskuryakov <a...@webkit.org> wrote:
Regression tests are taking an excessive amount of time to run for us (more than 1.5 hours in a debug build), a very large proportion of which is WPT. I do not think that the strategy of adopting WPT tests is working well for WebKit.

Perhaps treating WPT tests as regression tests is a mistake. I suspect the real value of these tests comes from using them as conformance tests: treating FAILs as test failures rather than committing them to the expected results, and working to reduce the number of test failures. That's not to say that regression testing is not useful... just that we're not currently getting full value from the WPT tests.

Adapting WebKit's behavior to more closely conform to the behavior of other web engines should reduce the number of web compatibility issues that negatively affect WebKit users. The benefits to that are clear, and improving our WPT passrate seems like the best way to achieve it.

My $0.02,

Michael (who is not volunteering to do any of this work, and whose opinion probably doesn't count for much here)

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