Hi WebKittens,

As you know we're working on getting WinCairo running on modern WebKit. We're 
working through a backlog of patches we have to upstream and are sometimes 
running into issues where we can't find reviewers for our code.

Here are some bugs with attachments that have been hanging out for over 5 days.


One thing we're unclear on is the OWNERS policy. The list itself is pretty 
small and has no guidance on who might be the right person(s) to assign a bug 
to when touching shared code. It feels like we're just guessing on reviewers 
which doesn't seem like it helps anything move along.

There also seem to be commits that were reviewed by non-owners that are 
touching common code. We're not sure if unfamiliarity with Windows might 
prevent some owners from looking over a patch as we move further along in our 

Basically we'd like to get some clarification here so we can keep landing 
patches for modern WebKit on Windows.

Sony WebKit Team
webkit-dev mailing list

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