Sorry for the delay.

We agree that scroll anchoring has unrealized potential to be valuable for
the web at large, and to make that happen we should be investing a lot more
working with y'all (and if we can't succeed, probably removing it from
chromium). Concretely +Chris Harrelson who leads rendering for Chrome (and
likely someone else from his team), as well as +Nick Burris from the Chrome
input team will start digging in ASAP. In addition to just the normal
high-bandwidth engineer-to-engineer collaboration between chromium and
gecko I propose the following high-level goals for our work:

   - Ensure that there are no known deviations in behavior between chromium
   and the spec (one way or the other).
   - Ensure all the (non-ua-specific) site compat constraints folks are
   hitting are captured in web-platform-tests. I.e. if Gecko passes the tests
   and serves a chromium UA string it should work as well as in Chrome (modulo
   other unrelated UA compat issues of course).
   - Look for any reasonable opportunity to help deal with UA-specific
   compat issues (i.e. those that show up on sites that are explicitly looking
   for a Gecko UA string or other engine-specific feature). This may include
   making changes in the spec / chromium implementation. This is probably the
   toughest one, but I'm optimistic that if we nail the first two, we can find
   some reasonable tradeoff for the hard parts that are left here. Philip (our
   overall interop lead) has volunteered to help out here as well.

Does that sound about right? Any suggestions on the best forum for tight
engineering collaboration? GitHub good enough, or maybe get on an IRC /
slack channel together somewhere?


On Mon, Oct 7, 2019 at 2:11 PM Mike Taylor <> wrote:

> Hi Rick,
> On 9/28/19 10:07 PM, Rick Byers wrote:
> > Can you give us a week or so to chat about this within the Chrome team
> > and get back to you?
> Any updates here?
> Thanks.
> --
> Mike Taylor
> Web Compat, Mozilla
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