On Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 11:56 AM Andrew Comminos <acommi...@fb.com> wrote:

> We're looking to gather a position from WebKit folks on isInputPending,
> an API to query for the presence of pending input events. It allows
> sites to reduce event latency by yielding during longer computational
> tasks, without sacrificing throughput otherwise.
> Explainer: https://github.com/WICG/is-input-pending/
> Spec: https://wicg.github.io/is-input-pending/

As we have discussed in other avenues, we're skeptical that this API is
needed given native apps on iOS and macOS don't need such an API and many
iOS apps are considered as a pinnacle of good performance.

Also, there are many other things an app needs to yield to respond /
process. There could be another frame pending to be rendered, or a network
request for which a response is ready. There are no ways to inspect whether
such a task is pending or not, and we don't want to end up with isXPending
for every X we can think of in the future.

Furthermore, a well performing app should be yielding at least every frame,
and in that case, there is no need for isInputPending since AppKit will
only send at most one NSEvent of a given type per frame by design.

As such, Apple's WebKit team does not support the current proposal.

- R. Niwa
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