I’m glad to see ALPS and bytes sent over the network used instead of additional 
reliance on state on the client.  We don’t want to introduce a super cookie on 
the client, and we want to minimize breakage when a user agent decides to 
remove state to prevent tracking.

I can’t say I’ve followed this development closely or even thought through it 
all completely, but here are some initial thoughts:

My first thought is that it seems excessive to have a way to specify support of 
client hints both in the TLS handshake and in HTTP/{2,3} frames.  I guess 
that’s why you wrote 
I don’t think that requiring a site to be running software that supports client 
hints is a good prerequisite to using client hints, so I don’t think that’s a 
good reason to have two mechanisms.
Sites can change with open connections, but if a site changes its client hints 
acceptance, wouldn’t that be a good reason to terminate all the open 
connections and require renegotiation?
Wildcard subdomains in the certificate is an interesting problem.

If it is decided that multiple mechanisms are necessary, their interaction 
should be well defined.  What if the server said one thing in ALPS but said 
something different in an HTTP/{2,3} frame?  What if I have multiple 
connections open to the same server and get different client hint headers?

 you specify that a client should not retry more than once per request to avoid 
infinite loops, but in 
 you use the possibility of infinite loops as a reason that a server-triggered 
retry isn’t a good solution.  I think a server-triggered retry is a good 
solution and we should be able to expect that if someone wants their website to 
work, then they will do what it takes to make their servers work correctly.  
Don’t we have the possibility of infinite redirects today?

> On Apr 5, 2021, at 4:32 PM, Mike Taylor via webkit-dev 
> <webkit-dev@lists.webkit.org> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Complimentary to 
> https://lists.webkit.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2021-January/031673.html, 
> Chromium intends to ship the ALPS + ACCEPT_CH HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 frames 
> portions of the Client Hints reliability proposal, and we would like to 
> solicit WebKit's position.
> As mentioned in the linked thread, the Client Hint Reliability proposal is a 
> set of features aimed at making Client Hints more reliably available and 
> mitigating mis-matches between a site's preferences and the preferences 
> stored in the browser.
> In particular, The ACCEPT_CH HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 frames, combined with the TLS 
> ALPS extension, are a connection-level optimization to deliver the server’s 
> Client Hint preferences in time for the first HTTP request.
> Specifications:
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-davidben-http-client-hint-reliability 
> (section 4)
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vvv-httpbis-alps
> https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-vvv-tls-alps
> https://github.com/WICG/client-hints-infrastructure/blob/main/reliability.md#connection-level-settings
> thanks,
> Mike
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