This seems to be a discussion around “when is doing things lazily valuable.” If 
the work will always have to be done eventually, then doing it lazily is worse 
than doing it up front. But of the work has a significant chance of never being 
needed to be done, then doing it lazily is better.

I think one could make a case that, on an infinite timescale, fixing a file’s 
includes will always have to be done, because it will always, eventually, one 
day, cause breakage.

> On Apr 30, 2021, at 8:44 AM, Darin Adler via webkit-dev 
> <> wrote:
> OK. I acknowledge my view on this is different from the others commenting 
> here, perhaps because of different ideas about what is hard and requires 
> expertise. I won’t stand in the way of changes you want to make. You know my 
> view now.
> — Darin
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