On Tue, 2014-12-16 at 13:47 +0100, Carlos Garcia Campos wrote:
> I think this API provides all the flexibility that the internal or C API
> allows. There are a few things I'm not completely sure about:

I agree, it looks sound to me.

>   - WebKitPluginLoadRequest: do we really need the get_page_uri?
> wouldn't that be always the current web view uri? I've added the method
> because that information is provided by the loader client callback, but
> we need to make sure it's actually needed. For a first version we could
> avoid that method, and add it later if it's actually useful. But without
> method, the request is a very simple object, so maybe we could pass the
> WebKitPlugin directly to the signal and pass an out parameter for the
> button description. That would make everything simpler, but we won't be
> able to add more info to the signal without breaking the API.

I would keep LoadRequest instead of passing the plugin directly, but I
also see no reason to provide get_page_uri at this point.

>   - plugin-blocked: In this case I did the opposite, passing the
> information as signal arguments. Currently wk passes the frame URL, page
> URL, plugin mime type and whether the plugin is obscured. We might use a
> boxed type here too, for example to also provide the page uri and the
> plugin mime type if needed/useful. 

I think a separate type is better, for flexibility. I'd like to think we
would not need to add anything, but we can't be sure, so…

>   - plugin-unavailability-button-clicked: the signal name and the boxed
> type used to provide the information are too long, we could think about
> better names. Again I'm not sure about the needed to provide the page
> uri. Also internally, wk passes the plugin page attribute (I guess this
> is the page where the plugin can be downloaded in case of missing
> plugins).


I wouldn't mention a button on the API, in any case.

Gustavo Noronha Silva <g...@gnome.org>
GNOME Project

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