On Apr 12, 2010, at 12:19 PM, Daniel Roy wrote:


We are experiencing some strange behaviour from PostgreSQL and our applications. Recently, various queries have started to exceed the warn trace timeout set by er.extensions.ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate.trace.milliSeconds.warn. Some of the most basic select statements against a table with 3 rows are taking upwards of 6 seconds to execute each,

Is that a simple select against one table, or are there joins to other tables? If just a single table, it could be index corruption. Dropping and re-creating the index should fix that. If there are joins to other tables, you could be missing an index needed for optimization.


where they should easily be well under that. We set the warn flag to 2.5 seconds.

A partial stacktrace is shown below:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Statement running too long
at er .extensions .eof.ERXEOAccessUtilities.logExpression(ERXEOAccessUtilities.java: 1203) at er .extensions .eof .ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate .adaptorChannelDidEvaluateExpression(ERXAdaptorChannelDelegate.java: 88)
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor301.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun .reflect .DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl .invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
at com .webobjects.foundation.NSSelector._safeInvokeMethod(NSSelector.java: 122) at com.webobjects.foundation._NSDelegate._perform(_NSDelegate.java: 223) at com.webobjects.foundation._NSDelegate.perform(_NSDelegate.java: 163) at com .webobjects .jdbcadaptor.JDBCChannel._evaluateExpression(JDBCChannel.java:377) at com .webobjects .jdbcadaptor.JDBCChannel.evaluateExpression(JDBCChannel.java:296) at com .webobjects .jdbcadaptor.JDBCChannel.selectAttributes(JDBCChannel.java:220) at er.extensions.jdbc.ERXJDBCAdaptor $Channel.selectAttributes(ERXJDBCAdaptor.java:150) at com .webobjects .eoaccess .EODatabaseChannel ._selectWithFetchSpecificationEditingContext(EODatabaseChannel.java: 897) at com .webobjects .eoaccess .EODatabaseChannel .selectObjectsWithFetchSpecification(EODatabaseChannel.java:234) at com .webobjects .eoaccess .EODatabaseContext ._objectsWithFetchSpecificationEditingContext(EODatabaseContext.java: 3055) at er .extensions .eof .ERXDatabaseContext ._objectsWithFetchSpecificationEditingContext (ERXDatabaseContext.java:57) at com .webobjects .eoaccess .EODatabaseContext .objectsWithFetchSpecification(EODatabaseContext.java:3195) at com .webobjects .eocontrol .EOObjectStoreCoordinator .objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOObjectStoreCoordinator.java:488) at com .webobjects .eocontrol .EOEditingContext .objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOEditingContext.java:4069) at er.extensions.eof.ERXEC.objectsWithFetchSpecification(ERXEC.java: 1114) at com .webobjects .eocontrol .EOEditingContext .objectsWithFetchSpecification(EOEditingContext.java:4444) at com .webobjects .eoaccess.EOUtilities.objectWithPrimaryKey(EOUtilities.java:461) at com .webobjects .eoaccess.EOUtilities.objectWithPrimaryKeyValue(EOUtilities.java:432)

Has anyone experienced problems with PostgreSQL and basic statements timing out? What might be the best way to troubleshoot this problem? We have tried various JDBC driver versions, tuned the PostgreSQL configuration, enabled ERXJDBCAdaptor.useConnectionBroker and enabled 5 connections....

We have not changed the production PostgreSQL version (8.4.1) recently, and we run the latest 5.4 Wonder frameworks from the Hudson builds.

Daniel Roy
Software Developer

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