Hi Mike,

I don't think there has been any docs on what the Windows version does.  I'd 
expect it to be similar to what the very small SpawnOfWotaskd.sh shell script 
does.  Which is to take a command line and use it to launch a process (jvm).


On 2011-11-28, at 10:34 AM, Michael Gargano wrote:

> Hi all,
>       I know I'm one of the last few hold outs on windows still, but I 
> thought I'd take a shot here....
>       Has anyone had issues using the 64-bit JVM on a 64-bit windows install? 
>  When I try to start the app through JavaMonitor, the startup takes about 30 
> seconds and fails.  It works fine on the 32-bit JVM.  Based off the research 
> I've done, it looks like the problem is with the runtime exec call to 
> SpanOfWotaskd.exe in the wotaskd.woa Resources directory.  I'm assuming that 
> this is an old 32-bit executable that has probably not be recompiled in a 
> long time.  Do we have access to the code for this so that it can be 
> recompiled or do we know the exact specs so that it can be replaced?  It 
> looks like the new windows user access controls (UAC) prevents 32-bit 
> executables from being called by 64-bit processes.
> Thanks.
> -Mike
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