I am in the process of setting up a deployment server under CentOS 6.5.

I have installed MySql server 5.5.36, apache2, Java 1.6 and WebObjects (WO by 
using Pascal's deployment instructions in the wiki).    

My WO app starts up via JavaMonitor and runs fine. It connects to the database 
perfectly, and I can carry out searches, updates, inserts, log in and out, and 
so on. 

But if I leave the page alone for a short time (only a couple of minutes) and 
then attempt to use my Log Out method (which UPDATEs a last-access date field), 
the app crashes with an sql connection exception like:

com.webobjects.eoaccess.EOGeneralAdaptorException: EvaluateExpression failed: 
<com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.MySQLPlugIn$MySQLExpression: "UPDATE User SET 
modified = ?, lastAccess = ? WHERE (id = ? AND type = ?)" withBindings: 
1:2014-04-11 17:27:52(modified), 2:2014-04-11 17:27:52(lastAccess), 3:2(id), 
4:admin"(type)>: Next exception:SQL State:08S01 -- error code: 0 -- msg: 
Communications link failure The last packet successfully received from the 
server was 209,780 milliseconds ago. The last packet sent successfully to the 
server was 8 milliseconds ago.

My connection URL is:

URL = 

and I'm now using  mysql-connector-java-5.1.30-bin.jar (I was originally on 
5.1.13), but that change doesn't seem to have made any difference.

Googling hasn't shown any obvious fix, although plenty of people seem to 
encounter this mysql problem.

Any ideas?  

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