Am 23.08.2006 um 02:51 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

That may very well be. But you can't have it both ways - either it's for beginners, and therefore needs documenting, or it's for gurus and doesn't.

Huh? Where does the "both ways" come from?

I said (and meant):

- you will have problems if you have your own code base. Jerry most likely will have his, so he has to expect problems. - you don't need to know much. I tried to outline what exactly wou need to know. You are expected to read, and your hand will most likely not be held, at least not by anyone I know.

Maybe it's true that once people start to use it they figure it out right away, but the lack of documentation will keep many people from ever getting started.

- this seems to be a recurring theme. But as easily demonstrated today by exhibit #1 - my dear friend Chuck - who didn't bother to call up google and then didn't bother to actually read what is on the page (hehe, I'l rub your nose in that for years to come!), it really doesn't matter what amount of docs is there. *someone* will always complain.

And the frameworks aren't supposed to be like that anyway. It you have problems with the default setup *and* you have no advanced code to mention, it's most likely a bug. So tell us about it and we'll fix it. But we can expect you to set up logging yourself as there are not only docs for it but also a lot of mentions in google.

Heck, did you actually *read* the docs to your MacBook? Did you even bother to actually look at and try PW or are you just arguing for others?

I'm all for Jerry to try and write an overview. But apart from what is in eg Kierans blog, I really don't know what else you should need to "get started".

Cheers, Anjo

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