On Jun 29, 2007, at 8:13 AM, Simon McLean wrote:

Hi All -

I have some selenium tests that work when I "walk" through them, but fail when i "run" through them.

Has anyone else seen this behavior ? Any known workarounds ?

Thanks, Simon

ps. i am using Selenium IDE with chuck's wolocators.js IDE extensions, not ERSelenium

The problem you are seeing is that when running the tests, it can go much faster that you can as a person and much faster than the IDE walkthrough. What this does is to expose concurrency bugs and lack of synchronization in your tests. Adding a waitFor... step in the tests or the occaisional sleep command will avoid these. If your app is slow, you might also get timeout errors. Use setTimeout to set a realistic amount of time to wait.

Post some real examples and I will show you how I would fix them.



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