On Jul 4, 2007, at 11:28 AM, David LeBer wrote:

On 4-Jul-07, at 1:58 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:

On Jul 4, 2007, at 10:48 AM, Gino Pacitti wrote:

Has there been any development in a replacement for WOBuilder?

Although XCODE is dead I rely quite a lot on some sort of visual binding and element view and so keep on using it for that.

Any news would be good - I have seen the thread on the WIKI but that does not have a conclusion - and I would love to contribute financially to a basic but functional replacement.

Mike Schrag and I kicked this idea around a while back. We made a ballpark estimate of US$100,000 to US$150,000 in development costs. Still want to contribute financially? :-) It is a lot of work and I doubt it will happen. The text tools in WOLIps are really quite good (meaning easy to use and productive). Personally, I much prefer them to how WOBuilder does it.

I just spent over a month re-factoring 3 projects (not of my own development) using the component editor and I came to a few conclusions:

1. The Clean WOBuilder Names and Rename re-factoring command are a godsend.

See the good that cam come of whining to Mike?

2. Inline bindings and <wo name="Name"/> syntax are just amazing ways of reducing the clutter in your html.

3. Large, convoluted, table based layouts are very difficult to visualize in a text only view. This is pretty obvious, but since I've been using css instead of tables and breaking things into components for my own stuff forever, I've not confronted it head-on before. So I think using the component editor actually encourages you to write better components.

We can hope. I have been disturbed to see how little use many WO developers make of the power of components. It should be their bread and butter, not some advanced technique.

4. The look-ahead typing for bindings in the wod editor does pretty much all I need for entity/attribute/action discovery and it works for inline bindings as well.



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