A project inside Apple that cannot use WO ?  That's a really bad sign...

The problem with Tapestry is that it changes so drastically from version to version, which is what caused us to look at JSF for a project that absolutely could not be WO. Oracle ADF is actively developed, and from experiences of colleagues, is a nightmare, and these are not WO people saying that.

I think one of the largest problems is the multiple files needed to get something simple done, and the fact that there are no great libraries out there yet of components. It is getting better, but I think you will have to factor into your timeline developing alot of things yourself that you take for granted in WO/WOnder.


On Mar 3, 2008, at 10:21 AM, Frédéric JECKER wrote:

I've used JSF (MyFaces) on a one year project before moving to WO (two years ago), here are my feelings:
- A lot of XML configuration needed
- Uneasy component extension/creation
- Needs mixing HTML/JSP/JSF to achieve some goals
- Heavy

This was true two years ago, but now ?
Despite those negative points I enjoyed developping with JSF (but now WO replaced it in my heart).

Note that Oracle donated a lot of their work to the MyFaces project and correct me if I am wrong
ADF is no more supported.

As a final word i'd say that I won't choose JSF for new project, i'd rather choose other frameworks
like wicket or tapestry which are far more mature.



Geoff Hopson a écrit :

I have a nice new greenfield application to work on, with the caveat
that the web framework be constructed using JSF components. I don't
know much about JSF, but a few days playing with it makes me think
that it is going to frustrate me. Number one gripe is the amount of
HTML I have to write. WebObjects is considerably more pleasant to work
with - a proper component web framework.

Yes, I have searched the archives for JSF, and the following is worth repeating:


Can the list provide a few pros and cons about JSF? - I may be able to turn the ship before its too late, but need more JSF experiences than
I personally have. What about the various implementations of the
standard? MyFaces? ICEFaces? The Oracle thing (ADFaces?)?

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