Hi List,

I am struggling with understanding this error:

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: While trying to invoke the set method "public void beteee.app.components.StatsPage.setSellPrice(java.math.BigDecimal)" on an object of type beteee.app.components.StatsPage we received an argument of type java.lang.String. This often happens if you forget to use a formatter.

I am trying to link a WOText field to a BigDecimal. Given a WOTextField defined as follows:

sellPriceField: WOTextField {
        size = 6;
        value = sellPrice;
        numberFormat = "###0.00";

and a method in the component:

public void setSellPrice(BigDecimal)

I find that WO isn't formatting the input for me before trying to set the sellPrice variable.

What confuses me is that I can use the above method successfully if I am binding to an EO attribute of type BigDecimal, but not when binding to a variable or method within the component. Is my EOGenericrRecord EO class somehow assisting to convert a string to a BigDecimal? How best to get WOTextField to do the conversion, assign my own formatter?

Thanks for any help with this,
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