I have 2 models, one which contain a set of abstract eoentity, another one which contain a set of concret eoentity (subclasses of the abstract set).

It was working just right, but suddently after reinstalling one of the framework, it just stopped working. I can't make it work again. Whenever I fetch an abstract entity (assuming, I will get objects of the concrete entity), it now return me an object of the abstract entity type.

Details ...
A - abstract eoentity name
CA - java classe for eoentity 'A'
B - concrete eoentity name, sub-entity of 'A'
CB - java classe of 'B'

            NSMutableDictionary dict = new NSMutableDictionary();
            dict.takeValueForKey(k1, "key1");
            dict.takeValueForKey(k2, "key2");
expectCBInstance = (CB) EOUtilities.objectMatchingValues (ec, "A", dict);

But EOUtilities return me "CA" instances.
Any idea why EOF fetch abstract entity and not the concrete one ?


- jfv

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