Hi Shelley,

add this to your application constructor

JDBCPlugIn.setPlugInNameForSubprotocol ("com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePKPlugIn", "openbase");

and in your model's adaptor settings add this:

Driver: com.openbase.jdbc.ObDriver

Plugin: com.webobjects.jdbcadaptor.OpenBasePKPlugIn

That should do it.

On 25-Jun-08, at 3:28 AM, Shelley Eitzen wrote:

Hi All,

WebObjects 5.3
XCode 2.x
Openbase 10.x

We currently have an application which utilises the EO_PK_TABLE in generating primary keys.

We need to use the Openbase method of generating primary keys.

Can anyone please tell me how to change this?

Thanks in Advance

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